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MEMBERS RE-ENTRY - COVID19 Protocols and Procedures


Your safety is our top priority -please read carefully.

We’ve kept our facility squeaky clean while you’ve been away. See what we are doing and our new protocol below We have made some changes in our schedule 

To reduce the amount of contact between clients · We must keep the capacity at 25% but we hardly go over 10% of our capacity on regular times, so we've created a gym schedule to allow for personal training, members, and sports training at different times of the day. · 


The gym has been divided in 

  • 8 -12x12 turf areas

  • 4 -  Gym areas with racks and barbells  

  • 2 - Cardio areas 

Open Gym Hours For Members  – by online reservation

 Monday thru Friday 7:00am – 12:00pm    

Saturdays 8:00am – 12:00pm  

Personal  and Sports Training Sessions, by appointment with Trainer. Our trainers will reserve space and time to train you through our system. Please be in touch with them. 


If you feel sick, please stay home. 

Working out is not only counterproductive when you’re sick, it’s also a safety concern right now. To help protect the well-being of our community, we've also instructed our staff to stay home if they have even the slightest of symptoms. 



  • Reservations- All members must use Mindbody system to reserve their spaces for open gym times. Mindbody can be downloaded on your phone, or use in your computer   LINK for reservation on Browser *** PLease text me if you need login information 347-429-1652 - Ana *** see video for information and tutorial

  • Initially we are only making the gym available to members we’ve had inthe past. No new memberships. 

  • There will be no checking in the front desk.

  • Please sign the attached COVID19 waiver, and bring with you.

  • All members, clients and staff must wear face covering.  ·

  • Members must scan their membership card on arrival, and have their temperature checked by a “infra-red thermometer”. · 

  • Please remove shoes and carry your clean shoes to your area. 

  • Once there, use the pathways to get your equipment. · 

  • Antibacterial hand gel is to be used upon entering the gym, this is for all members and staff alike. · 

  • No towel, no workout.  Bring your own or use one of our towels located by the desk. Make sure to put them in the laundry bag by the exit. ·

  • Antibacterial spray bottles supplied in each area to be used to wipe down weights and equipment, before & after use, this includes the mats.

  • Water fountain button to be pressed with a hip, tissue / paper towel to avoid cross infection to touch. · 

  • If you need to cough or sneeze, use a tissue and bin it immediately, then wash your hands and apply sanitising gel provided.

  • Please don’t touch your face, mouth or eyes area whilst training. ·

  • Social distancing has to be maintained between members at all times, this will be monitored by a member of Staff · 

  • The use of the toilets only in emergencies. · 

  • When you time is up, wipe your equipment with your towel and spray, and put back. 

  • Then gather your belongings and change your shoes, exit through the back door. 


  • We’ll have one entrance and one exit. Entrance on Springfield ave, exit from the back of the GYM, to avoid clutter in the reception area.  

  • Garage Door will be half open, as well as the back door · 

  • Fans will be pulling fresh air into the space and moving air and moving air around and out of the space.  This has been shown highly effective.  


From the “Ventilation” · Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible, for example, by opening windows and doors. Do not open windows and doors if doing so poses a safety or health risk to staff or attendees (e.g., risk of falling or triggering asthma symptoms). · If portable ventilation equipment reduces the potential spread of any airborne or aerosolized viruses.   



  • Will thoroughly clean & disinfect high touch areas like weights and equipment frequently throughout the day. · 

  • All staff must check their temperature on arrival.

  • The use of a face mask / screens whilst at work is compulsory

  • Staff will be required to wash their hands frequently and use the antibacterial gel provided.  

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